title,doi,url,abstract,journal,publication_year,pmid,arxiv Cross-Domain Opinion Classification Exploitation Enhanced Sentiment Sensitive Thesaurus Aware Embeddings, https://doi.org/10.32628/IJSRCSEIT, https://ijsrcseit.com/CSEIT172473, Users can express their opinion and sentiments in various review sites in the internet. Sentiment classification deals with the extraction of useful information from unstructured data which can be used in various applications. Sentiment classification predicts the polarity of each opinionated review. It helps the customers to choose and the manufacturer to rate their product/services. Cross domain sentiment classification helps in classifying the reviews across various domains at much lower cost and time. This paper presents a short survey on various techniques used to implement cross domain sentiment analysis. Unsupervised Cross-domain Sentiment Classification is the task of adapting a sentiment classifier trained on a particular domain (source domain) to a different domain (target domain) without requiring any labeled data for the target domain. By adapting an existing sentiment classifier to previously unseen target domains we can avoid the cost for manual data annotation for the target domain. We model this problem as embedding learning and construct three objective functions that capture: (a) distributional properties of pivots (i.e. common features that appear in both source and target domains) (b) label constraints in the source domain documents and (c) geometric properties in the unlabeled documents in both source and target domains. Unlike prior proposals that first learn a lower-dimensional embedding independent of the source domain sentiment labels and next a sentiment classifier in this embedding our joint optimisation method learns embeddings that are sensitive to sentiment classification. Experimental results on a benchmark dataset show that by jointly optimising the three objectives we can obtain better performances in comparison to optimising each objective function separately thereby demonstrating the importance of task-specific embedding learning for cross-domain sentiment classification. Among the individual objective functions the best performance is obtained by (c). Moreover the proposed method reports cross-domain sentiment classification accuracies that are statistically comparable to the current state-of-the-art embedding learning methods for cross-domain sentiment classification., International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology, 2017, CSEIT172473