title,doi,url,abstract,journal,publication_year,pmid,arxiv Survey on Security Issues and Challenges in Cloud Computing, https://doi.org/10.32628/IJSRCSEIT, https://ijsrcseit.com/CSEIT1831405, Cloud computing is a promising technology in the creation of the mixture of traditional computing technology. The network technology includes grid computing distributed computing parallel computing and so on. It has transformed the software support for large systems from the server to a service-oriented paradigm. It aims to build a perfect system with powerful computing capability throughout a large number of relatively low-cost computing entity and using the advanced Service models like SaaS (Software as a Service) PaaS (Platform as a Service) IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) to distribute the powerful computing capacity to end users hands. This paper tackles the security risks and challenges and certain solutions also followed since security is one of the most critical aspects in cloud computing due to the sensitivity of user’s data., International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology, 2018, CSEIT1831405