title,doi,url,abstract,journal,publication_year,pmid,arxiv Research Challenges and Technology Progress of Data Mining with Bigdata, https://doi.org/10.32628/CSEIT206274, https://ijsrcseit.com/CSEIT206274, 'Big Data' has spread quickly in the framework of Data Mining as well as Business Intelligence. This brand-new circumstance can be de?ned by means of those troubles that can not be efficiently or ef?ciently resolved making use of the common computing resources that we currently have. We have to highlight that Big Data does not simply imply huge volumes of data but likewise the requirement for scalability i.e. to make sure a response in an acceptable elapsed time. This paper discusses about the research challenges and technology progress of data mining with big data., International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology, 2019, CSEIT206274