title,doi,url,abstract,journal,publication_year,pmid,arxiv Phishing Attacks and It's Various Defences, https://doi.org/10.32628/IJSRCSEIT, https://ijsrcseit.com/CSEIT411845, Phishing is primarily a venture executed by cybercriminals to gain access to the important information of the users viz. passwords emails bank details corporate stats etcetera to swindle them. Phishing is somehow related to fishing in a lake but here instead of capturing a fish phishers try to steal the information of the unsuspected users. It is predominantly carried through by spamming some fancy trending but fallacious emails which catches the eye of the users and if they proceed into enquiring about it by entering the page and filling in their credentials as asked by the page they fall into the trap and suffer at the hands of the phishers. Purpose of this disquisition is to identify the various deceiving techniques being exercised by the phishers to purloin the crucial information of their victims. I will also discuss how we can detect various phishing attacks and prevent them from harming you., International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology, 2018, CSEIT411845