Smart Parking System for Institute

Authors(3) :-Sayee Gosavi, Anjali Kokane, Prof. Pallavi Utkarsh Nehete

As the number of vehicles on roads continues to rise, businesses are more likely to encounter a range of issues. To address such challenges, the "Smart Parking System" has been developed as an intelligent and automatic solution for parking vehicles. This system is designed to alleviate problems faced by urban areas on their roads. However, precisely tracking the availability of parking spots across different locations and times remains a significant difficulty. Nonetheless, the Smart Parking System enables parking attendants to easily locate empty parking spaces. Moreover, implementing this smart parking system can help minimize energy consumption and pollution levels in cities, ultimately contributing toward the country's economic growth.

Authors and Affiliations

Sayee Gosavi
Department of Information Technology, MAEER's MIT Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Anjali Kokane
Department of Information Technology, MAEER's MIT Polytechnic, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Prof. Pallavi Utkarsh Nehete
Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Smart Parking System (SPS), automatic, slots.

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Publication Details

Published in : Volume 9 | Issue 3 | May-June 2023
Date of Publication : 2023-06-30
License:  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Page(s) : 40-46
Manuscript Number : CSEIT239035
Publisher : Technoscience Academy

ISSN : 2456-3307

Cite This Article :

Sayee Gosavi, Anjali Kokane, Prof. Pallavi Utkarsh Nehete, "Smart Parking System for Institute", International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp.40-46, May-June-2023. Available at doi :
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